

Atomic number: 22

Symbol: Ti

Average atomic mass: 47.867


Titanium is readily available from commercial sources so preparation in the laboratory is not normally required. The resultant titanium tetrarchloride, TiCl4, is separated from the iron trichloride, FeCl3, by fractional distillation. Finally it is reduced to metallic titanium by magnesium. Titanium minerals are quite common. The metal has a low density, good strength, is easily fabricated, and has excellent that burns in nitrogen. They use it in fireworks. Titanium is available in many different forms such as foil, sheet, wire, granules, sponge, nanosized activated powder, powder, mesh and rod. The color of titanium is silvery metallic, and the classification is metallic.


Titanium is used to produce relatively soft artificial gemstones. Sometimes titanium is used for coating glass, because it fumes strongly is most air it is also used for skywriting. Even golf clubs are made with titanium.


The name titanium was derived from the titans of Greek mythology, symbolizing strength. Bombardment with deuterons can render titanium very radioactive. It will emit positions and hard gamma rays.

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